Welcome to Age-Friendly Portland and Multnomah County's online presence!
We are excited to share with you the history of our local age-friendly initiatives, our mission and vision, an overview of current members of our Advisory Council, and what we have accomplished so far.
Have a look at our Age-Friendly Action Plans, learn about the committees that are currently working toward making the Portland region more age friendly, glance at other projects following the same goal, and read aging-related publications published by members of the Advisory Council.
Explore what the media are saying about our initiatives, read what our age-friendly partners have written, and access other useful resources for creating age-friendly communities.
Our event calendar informs you about upcoming and past conferences and communitiy events. If you like our work and are insterested in getting involved, please consider volunteering with one of our partner organizations, advocating for older adults, or supporting our initiatives through a donation.