Our Publications
Recent work authored or co-authored by members of the Advisory Council
- PSU Partners Newsletter: PSU and Partners Work Toward a More Age-Friendly Portland and Multnomah County (February 2017)
- Residential Infill Project – Participant Observation Report (October 2016)
- ECONorthwest and PSU’s College of Urban and Public Affairs: Building a State for All Ages: Tapping the Potential of Older Oregonians, White Paper (July 2016) and Six Steps to get Started (October 2016)
- DHM Report: Age-friendly Values and Beliefs, National Survey (May 2016)
- GIA Report: The Case for Age-Friendly Communities (February 2016)
- The Intertwine Outside Voice Blog: Reviewing our region's progress on aging, greenspaces, and sustainability (February 2016)
- AARP Guidebook: Evaluating Your Age-Friendly Community Program (October 2014)
- Action Plan for an Age-Friendly Portland (October 2013)
Multnomah County Documents
- Community Listening Sessions Overview (November 2016)
- Multnomah County’s Age-Friendly Action Plan (April 2016)
- Age-Friendly Multnomah County: Employee Survey Report (March 2016)
- Report of the Multnomah County Task Force on Vital Aging (with Ted Wheeler as Multnomah County Chair): Everyone Matters: A Practical Guide to Building a Community for All Ages (2008)