
Five committees are currently working toward a more age-friendly Portland and Multnomah County. To learn more about the committees' work, please send us your question through our contact form.

The Age-Friendly Housing Committee seeks, among others, to increase the supply of age-friendly/accessible housing commensurate with the growing needs of older adults and people with disabilities.

This committee is concerned with the question how transportation system planning and investments can be improved and how active transportation options can be provided and promoted for people of all ages and all abilities.

Civic Participation & Volunteering
The work of the Civic Participation and Volunteering committee is centered around fostering meaningful involvement of older adults in citywide processes. One particular focus of this work is the establishment and strengthening of intergenerational connections.

Health Services, Prevention, & Equity
This committee's focus is on community-based health services for older adults with a special emphasis on prevention and equity. Currently, three work groups exist within this committee: Community Health Workers, Dementia-Friendly Portland, and Physical Activity & Recreational Programs.

Employment & the Economy
The Employment & the Economy Committee works toward improving employment opportunities for older adults and reducing ageism in the workplace, based on the recognition of older adults as important resource for the economic sector both as experienced employees and consumers.